Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st Dec 2009

First day of the last month............time moves fast..........the end is getting nearer by the day.

Ok..today I am going to write about something that is bothering me since yesterday. I dont normally rajin to write on blog, but when tiba-tiba aku menulis maknanya ada la something very serious.

Berkenaan Polis Diraja Malaysia....................are they selective in their work in upholding the Consitution and Laws of this Land. It seems to me they are. Budaya kaki bodek ni nampaknya sangat sukar untuk dihapuskan. Apabila Pemuda BN Pulau Pinang buat demonstrasi sambil bakar elogi seseorang, they are not touched. Bila buat canddlelight vigil to express disatisfaction on BN Govt. kat dataran merdeka, tu dia satu batalion FRU datang.

This type of action is not good and could backfire like it did in PRU 12. I saw with my own eyes how the police treated the public especially during polling day at Bangsar. This poor chap ambil pic wife dia tengah buang undi, then came this policeman .....aku rasa dari East Malaysia...approach this guy and grab his camera, the guy reacted and push the policeman away, almost falling of corridor parapet wall, the policeman regain his feet and again asked for the camera, this guy refuses....and bla bla bla....he treaten this poor guy dengan suara yg garang to put him in jail if he did not give him his IC card......after failing to get the camera nak IC pulak.........this guy buat dek and just walk away.....although ramai anggota disitu tapi all were female officers and as this guy is quite good looking and the female cops tak masuk campur, cuma duduk dan lihat......and this poor policeman dok sibuk2 radio his mates for reinforcement......by that time this lucky guy managed to sneeked out of the polling center sambil gelak bagai nak pecah perut................with his wife of course.

Ni la...I mean kalau dia cakap baik2...explain baik-baik, kat polling center tak boleh ambil gambar, surely that Guy faham ni tak, terus nak grab camera, cari nahas la tu kan.

PDRM ni punya pasal, naik menyampah lak aku kat BN ni........ari tu dah Ok dah sikit. PDRM ni sebenanya very close to my family, grand dad and my dad were former officers of PDRM. Grand dad was the first malay Deputy Inspector General Of Police semasa zaman Tun Salleh, 1970 , I think. My Dad pulak was the Deputy CPO Pahang when he retired. Dulu x macam ni sebab diorang sibuk dgn hal komunis-komunis ni, kejap-kejap masuk hutan, sekarang dah x banyak kerje cari pasal dengan org awam yg salahnya x la berapa sangat.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, 29th

Woke up at 400 am to catch the first flight to Langkawi as i had a presentation to Kementerian Pelajaran at 930am. This is the first time I am taking the Air Asia flight and also my first time to LCCT. Sampai sana dalam pukul 600 am, dah ramai org......macam pasar.
However the check in was very efficient and fast, the flight was ok....i dont know much sebab duduk jer dalam plane mata dah lelap, tau2 dah sampai Langkawi.
The presentation went well as I have engaged a few experts to assists me in this particular task.
Pukul 400 pm balik KL, malam had dinner with wife at Kak Ita Steamboat and off to bed. Tomorrow start a new day......tapi esok aku tak nak keje nak settlekan beberapa hal peribadi sebab 24hb December ni nak gi Umrah lagi.................kali ini dengan ayahanda dan bonda dan wife.

View from the meeting place somewhere atas bukit

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, Oct 19

Semalam pergi kenduri akad nikah anak mak su wife di Bukit Sentosa......nikah di masjid, kenduri di rumah x pergi, masing2 dah letih and mengantuk.

Monday morning cam biasa bermalas-malasan pergi kerja, tengahari ada majlis SPRM. Tahun ni banyak betul majlis open house, bukan nya best sangat pun makanan semua lebih kurang sama jer......asyik2 lemang....rendang......nasi minyak....nasi beryani....air syrup.
This would be the last open house for this year..................kalau umur panjang tahun depan makan lagi.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Majlis Potong Jambul.......

This majlis was held recently at my parent's place........for the latest addition to our small family..
Siap import kumpulan marhaban (satu bas) dari Kg.Pandan....Hopefully when she grow up and stumble upon this entry, she would remember her only uncle after I'm long gone............

Sorry for the poor quality pictures...........

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lawatan KSU Kementerian Pelajaran....

A week before posa was really horror dengan kerja yang menimbun dan dengan lawatan para-para VIP ker site, I have 3 sites which is under construction and require my utmost attention. Diorang ni time puasa x nak gi mana2 so seminggu sebelum posa ni ambil kesempatan melawat to their Ministry's project.

I choose to be at Bentong and despatched my other assistance to other sites, dua lagi di Melaka and Putrajaya. Di Melaka, Pengarah Bahagian Bangunan JKR Federal is the guest and di Putrajaya is the President himself is the guest, Tan Sri Shamsudin.

Di Bentong, Ketua Setiausaha Kementeian Pelajaran is the guest, since they are a very very good paymaster aku kena la tunjuk muka, they release about RM650,000 of Consultancy Fee the week before the visit.

So the week before posa I tried to cramped everything sebab bulan posa aku nak take things easy, posa, solat and buat ibadat sedikit sebanyak, lagi pun asyik kerja jer x kaya mana pun.

And Friday, a day before posa my wife gave me a big surprise, ajak aku gi Bank lepas solat Jumaat dia nak buat Bankers Cheque, apperently she bought a house and have to pay the 10% to the Lawyers. She got it quite cheap, it seems rumah tu kawan dia punya, and the friend intend to pindah and kerja in JB for good. A double storey terrace not far from where we are living right now, actually it is so near seperated by a few rows of houses, heran aku.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ramadhan 2009

Hari ini dah masuk hari ke empat umat islam Malaysia berpuasa dan 26 hari lagi nak raya........
Hari pertama ramadhan jatuh hari Sabtu, so x la letih sangat kalau kena hari berkerja mau masam muka........

So hari Sabtu yg uneventful

0430 am Bangun sahur, menu simple, nasi + serunding + rendang ready made + papadom & hot milo.

0540 am Solat subuh

0700 Tidur time bangun 130 zohor........tidur balik....500 asar.

0530 Kacau bini masak

0630 Dah mula gigil...rasa begitu lambat nak maghrib

0724 Maghrib........1st day ramadhan covered....29 days to go.

1st day ni x larat gi pasar ramadhan, lagi pun dengan selsema babi ni...rasa malas nak pergi. Lagipun kat pasar tu terlalu sesak, bersentuh lelaki perempuan, yang melayu nya pakai belah sana sini.......boleh memungkinkan pahala posa jadi negative.

Nabi Muhammad S.A W pernah bersabda.........

"Ramai dikalangan umat ku yang puasanya hanya lapar dan dahaga"

Kalau boleh tak nak la macam tu kan.........dah la separuh mati posa last2 x dapat apa-apa hidayah kecuali lapar dan dahaga.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Watched some scary movie kat HBO and made me think......apasal hantu kat US cakap English.....hantu kat Jepun cakap Jepun........hantu kat Indonesia cakap Jawa and hantu kat Malaysia, kalau Melayu cakap Melayu...............aku x pernah lak tengok hantu cakap India.

Adakah hantu ini benar-benar wujud based on racial and geographical zone. Bukan sahaja dari segi bahasa tetapi juga pakaian. Kat US hantu dia pakai full 3 piece suit. Dalam Al-Quran memang ada sebut kewujudan jin, tapi persoalannya adakah mereka juga terbahagi kepada bangsa dan budaya.

Makna nya kalau sesorang terserempak dgn hantu di KL, tetapi dia cakap English with american accent, maknanya jauh jugak la hantu ni gi holiday.

fikir-fikirkan lah hahahaahahahahaa.

----sebenarnya aku x der idea nak tulis apa -------

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Man Utd Asia Tour 2009

Semalam pergi tengok bola Malaysia - Man Utd at Bukit Jalil. Left home at around 615, park kereta kat rumah member di Sentul and hopped on the STAR-Lrt. The train was jam packed and seperti biasa macam2 bau ada.....especially during evening, pagi boleh tahan lagi kot, baru lepas mandi. Sampai stadium around 725, solat maghrib dulu then jalan-jalan tengok barang2 Man Utd yg banyak dijual di sepanjang jalan ker entrance gate.

Macam2 org ada........quite funny sometimes how one shows their loyalty to a football club tapi yg paling kelakar ialah gadis bertudung pakai hair band yg macam tanduk syaitan and tanduk tu pulak berkelip2.
Although MU x main 100% tapi it is still entertaining especially Michael Owen, Rooney and Nani.
Malaysia seorang pemain pun aku x kenal......kena bentes sikit jatuh bagai kena tembak dgn M16.
Game ended at 1100, but we all lepak lagi sambil bershopping barang2 MU...mostly for my car. Alih2 dah pukul 1200 and ada pengumuman last train depart in 5 min......kalang kabut lari ker stesyen takut tertinggal train.
Sampai Sentul around 1245, makan dulu kat Thai Restaurant and reached home at around 2 in the morning. Sekali sekala jalan lewat malam ni rasa cam masa bujang dulu..............hari kerja ker hari tak kerje ker awal pagi baru balik rumah.............

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ragut Sana Ragut Sini......

Tadi on the way to zohor prayer sambil jalan menghirup udara segar dihari yang mendung dan seperti biasa pakai kain.......terasa sungguh bebas........tiba-tiba ada terdengar bunyi jeritan di hadapan aku.......ada budak kena ragut dengan mat motor.......actually aku nampak motor lalu sebelah aku and stop sebelah budak tu, aku ingat dia nak tanya jalan ker apa, then within a few seconds motor tu pecut and that poor kid jerit2.

Aku pun nak buat apa kan....dah la pakai kain...kalau kejar mau terlondeh dah la spender x pakai........nanti lain lak cerita. Aku pun merapati budak tu buat2 la tanya padahal aku tau dah apa yg berlaku, then ramai la jiran2 kluar tengok apa hal.......

Peragut2 ni majoitynya melayu islam walaupun ada juga budak india tapi tak ramai.............Are the Malays so poor that they have to commit crime just to live.......If it is so than the Government lead my Malays for 52 years have failed........Who then would make it right???

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Under The Weather.....On My Birthday

Balik dari Cherating, tuan punya blog telah diserang demam selsema.....tapi bukan selsema babi....ni selsema sebab terlalu letih melayan kaum keluarga semasa di Cherating, sempena menyambut hari keputeraan beta yang ke 40.

Cherating is a nice underated place.....to be honest the beaches are far better than Langkawi and Lagend Resort is excellent walaupun bila malam agak sunyi sebab x ramai orang. Boleh bersenkarama kat corridor x der org lalu. It took only 2hr 30 min from home to this beautiful place.

2nd day went up north along the trunk road towards Kuala Terengganu........sampai di Paka sahaja then u-turn balik ker Cherating.

Macam ni punya baju pun ada............ gila punya kafir

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Short Trip To Sungai Petani......

Went up North to Sungai Petani yesterday for a meeting, normally i dont attend this type of meeting which disccus about the overall re-planning of Bandar Amanjaya Township. However this time the Client instructed all the Principles to attend....compulsary.

Left home at 4.30 in the morning as the meeting is scheduled at 1000 am. Ingat nak overnite at SP but petang selalsa tu meeting meleret sampai pukul 5 dimana mood nak tidur di SP pun dah pudar.....

Once a while driving di awal subuh adalah satu yg menyeronokkan, singgah di Tapah untuk solat subuh and breakfast. Meeting ends at 1200, gi makan nasi kandar dengan my SP office Manager kat Lagenda Heights. Lepas zohor off back to KL.

July 6th kena pergi SP lagi................Jun 29th Kompleks BPR Melaka start........kena gi Melaka lagi.........SMS Bentong tgh buat earthwok.........x pergi-pergi lagi...............Putrajaya STP tengah piling........x pergi-pergi lagi lawat site........ mati la aku sampai hujung tahun

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran - Islamic Republic Or What

Seeing what happen in Tehran last couple of days, gives a very bad impression of Islam. The West are having a field day condemming what people preceived as an Islamic State. There will be no Islamic State if the people or leaders entrusted to uphold the principles of Islamic Politics and Administration are power crazy. Killing innocent people so that power can be kept is an example of greed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Jerebu....Kau Datang Lagi

This morning on the way to work, persekitaran adalah sangat berjerebu, pedih mata, pedih hidung, pedih hati. Mood yang mula2 berkobar2 nak ker office telah menurun dengan drasticnya....

Indeks IPU
0 - 50 - baik
51-100 - Fair, kira boleh la
101 - 200 - Not good
201 - 300 - Very the not good
301 - 400 - Danger
400 - 500 - Very the danger tahap gaban
501 & Above - Pandai-pandai kau la

Friday, June 5, 2009

A New Addition.......

I hope to get a new anak buah in an hour or so.........my sis just entered the OT at 830 tadi..........
.......................................................aku lak yg saspen.......apa hal.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm Back......

Almost a month since the last updated, I have been extemely busy, I think it is the most busiest month in my years of working life......... and it is the most satisfying one......because this month we received the largest pay cheque in the history of the company......thanks to Pebadanan Putrajaya although it is a pain in the arse working for them. Selalu nya payment yg dapat tu adala dalam 45,000.....60,000 ...mcm tu la.

My philosopy for this company is sharing. I never hide anything from my staffs, if we received payment then I would tell them. Anyway office ni kecil jer apa yang berlaku sekejap jer berita tersebar. My intention to increase the size of staff received strong objection from the existing staffs. They said the will work as a team to tackle all work load and try their upmost to adhere to datelines.

As appreciation to their hard work, there will be a salary revision in July and a company lunch on Monday.


We are also eagerly waiting for the delivery of my youngest sister's baby..........another addition to our small family.


Planning for Cherating Wind Surfing trip.........waiting for mem leave application appoval.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

New URL....

my new url.........www.sixtynine.blogspot.com

ahaksss....effective 1st May 2009.......any changes will be duly informed.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beauty Babe...

I always have soft spot for BMW, and their latest model is an eye cathing babe.............so semalam saja lah mengada-gada tanya kat Auto Bavaria and the price is quite resonable. Kalau ikut syaitan yg kat kepala memang aku dah book satu nasib baik ada sikit sense kat kepala otak suruh tanya wife dulu........so semalam aku tanya la..............&%*&*^%$.........dia cakap something like......" u beli la yer.....u tidur kat dalam kete tu tau". Tidur dalam kete aku no hal.................

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jalan-Jalan Bentong...

Had to go to Bentong yesterday for a meeting regarding the design of SMS Bentong..............I hate having to attend meeting and do nothing just to show your face. Meeting dah la bapak lama pukul 1000 start 130 baru habis.
The meeting was with the end users yakni para-para guru yang bakal mengajar dan mendiami di Kompleks Sekolah Asrama SMS Bentong. Macam2 la permintaan diorang ni, mentang-mentang la bukan duit diorang duit gomen. I think I am short of manpower, need another 2 Engineers to do all this stupid things. I prefer to be in the office and carry out all the engineering analysis and playing with numbers and erkkkkk also (kadang-kadang) masuk LA.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Some pictures......camera cabok tak boleh nak ambil time race, kereta laju sgt x sempat nak klik kete dah lepas........not too bad la F1 ni but I think mem enjoyed the most terlompat-lompat setiap kali Ferrari lalu........the whole race dok berdiri........why bother giving seats. Actually aku dah boring, dah la tak tau siapa first siapa last....baik tengok TV kat rumah. Lepas tu hujan ,race cut short suka nya aku x sabar nak balik rumah dah la sejuk hujan lebat.

Friday, April 3, 2009

F1 Weekend....

This weekend will be another busy and hectic one.....with rugby on Saturday and Formula 1 on Sunday.............I will be cheering for McLaren Mercedes........thanks to Dato Mokhzani & Datin for the complimentary tickets.......kalau tak......entah bila boleh tengok F1 secara live.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Presiden Pas.....

Semalam pergi dengar kuliah maghrib Presiden PAS, Tuan Guru Hj Hadi di masjid dekat rumah aku, best la jugak ceramah dia, dicampur aduk dgn jenaka sedikit dan politik semasa sedikit. What I observed was that in contrast to UMNO people this guy is so humble and simple and yet people come in drove to listen to him.

Memang penuh, aku pun kena parking jauh dari masjid sebab dah penuh dan suasana macam solat jumaat lak penuh masjid. Lepas solat isyak aku tengok org berpusu-pusu nak salam dgn dia, ada jugak yg peluk bagai......kekeekekekekekeke. Aku sempat gak salam tapi aku tunggu bila org dah x ramai and reda baru aku salam..............apasal dia cam daring jer tengok aku....banyak dosa ker.....ker mandi junub x sempurna....adussssss

Monday, March 23, 2009

Season Opener......KRU Super League

Saturday was a rugby day.............itulah activity aku dimasa muda-mudi and bujang dulu. Played rugby quite a bit in those days. The last time I played in a proper match was in June 1998. I can still remember that day because that was the day i broke my left hand for the second time.

I was in Brisbane then, and played for my local team in the comunity league not the Super 12 or Super 14 nowdays. However not many Malaysian has ever played at Ballymore Stadium, I did even though it was empty. Ballymore Stadium was the Home Of Queensland Reds, now they have moved to Suncorp Stadium. I broke my hand in Brisbane and was ordered back to KL by my then GF....now wife. Later I got to know that wasn't the reason for wanting me to come home.........ahaksss

So last Saturday, went to watch my former team ASAS Old Boys RU in action against NS Wanderers at Politeknik Shah Alam.......mula nya kat PULAPOL then moved to Shah Alam. Although we lost 16-22 but it was a good and entertaining match at least in the first half. Second half hancussss.

Alam Shah Old Boys Always In Red