Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mum's 64th Birthday

22nd April - Bonda yang dikasihi genap quickly time passes........ i still remember how she use to buy me nasi ayam after her aerobic session for lunch during my school and uni holidays........and nasi beryani Mahbob........I also remember how she loves travelling.....and she has been to almost every country on earth.........she was very active........and she is a very good mother to all her 3 kids.......being the only son of course i have a little bit extra than my two sisters.......

During my schooling days at Alam Shah, almost every week she would visit me without fail....and she gives me plenty of money to spent.....which in those days i don't really need them..

She stayed with me for about a month during my final month at Sheffield and attended my graduation. It was a special bond between a mother and a son. And i would like to think that she is proud of me.....and my sisters.

Now all of us have grown up with families and those wounderful years would remain as pleasent memories. I still remenber the sad face she has when I told her that my wife and I are moving out to our own house...... I am also sad to leave the house that i grew up all my life...........kalau ikut cara my mum she wants all her children and spouses to stay with her.......

I visit her almost every week......but rarely all of her 3 children are with her at the same time.....bila I ada my sis lak x sometimes when all of us two sis and I.....we would sit with her in her room watching astro.......leaving our spouses and kids outside. She use to say how she missed the time when we were all together in bed with her watching TV.

Last Sunday we celebrated her birthday at Kelab Golf Negara Subang.....

My Dad belanja dinner..........surrounded by her laws...grandchildren.

Hari-hari aku doa agar dipanjangkan umur kedua2 parents aku because we still need them..........

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Coret-coret #1

Location : Bedroom
Time : 2300

Aku atas katil ngantuk and nak tidur...wife kat sebelah tengah baca novel.....dalam hati bila la nak tutup lampu my usual trick is to peluk her and she will put the book down and switch offf the light.........but not tonite....erkkkk.

me bisik at her ear: ......."letak la buku tu...selalu u x leh consentrate bila i peluk...."

dia senyum...tangan masih pegang buku...mata masih kat buku...

her : "part yg i tengah baca ni best.......they'er having sex"

me : "oh patut la"

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with light on..........

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sleepless In Darkness

Woke up at 4 am to watch Barcelona vs Man U....what a boring match resulting in me surfing the net most of the total darkness..cuma ada lampu TV.......i thought i heard some noises...tikus noises....i hope

530 in the morning still surfing the net without any hopping to see what is happening in the outside world....beyond my predictable daily routine.

Today should be a little bit relax at the office as i have finished most of the critical analysis yesterday...despite being a little bit naughty towards a friend.....which i intend to apologise when i met the friend today. May be the dose of numbers and equations and formulas made my head not in the right working the main thing to do today is to be humble and apologise and hopefully the friend would accept my apologies if not i will be even more naughty hahahahaahhaha

I had a meeting with the CEO on Monday.......he dont normally call me unless there is trouble.......obviously there was.......he told me that some of the younger engineers are having arguments with the senior draughtmen and both parties are at loggerhead......of course la i am with the senior draughtmen as they have been with me since 2000 and all of them are my peers.

Budak2 ni jadi Engineer dah nak tunjuk what i did was to shift the sitting position of the Engineers.....from their comfort zone to the back...closer to the draughting department.....without partition that both parties can see each other all the time...........yg lorat2 tu i letak dekat dgn washroom n tiap kali nak ke sana akan melalui tempat mereka.......dgn harapan sampai bila la nak gaduh2 ni.......dah every minit tengok muka masing2.......the CEO agreed. Unless they make up the new sitting position stays.

So we see what happens today............although petang semalam i dah perasan beberapa of these young Engineers which is women dah menunjukkan muka mereka yg masam towards me kahkahkahkahkahkah........

553 am already...shower time n solat.....adoiiii ngantuk la pulakkkkkkkkk

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bermacam Ragam....

Overheard this conversation this morning on the way up to the office......

Plum Girl : Dah nak masuk 4 bulan aku diet
Ok Girl : Baru lagi tu
Plum Girl : Apasal tak kurus2 pun
OK Girl : Baru lagi tu
Plum Girl : Hari2 aku doa " Ya Allah If u don't make me thin, please make my friends fat"

Nasib baik tak tersembul chewing gum aku.......

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Overcast Sunday

In contrast to yesterday......woke up late...1100 to be exact...and i hate it when i miss my morning my butt of the bed and went down and was greeted with scramble eggs and teh tarik......heavennnnn.

Watched TV...shower and went out for lunch at Kelfood in Taman Melati....our usual spot for lunch on is good which is traditional kelantanesse food.

Back home more dose of plans to go anywhere today as roads around KL would be closed for the Beijing Olympics Torch Run......flu is gradually disappering and hopefully i will be fully recover by Monday.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lazy...lazy Saturday

It has been a while since the last not even have time to read other people's blogs.

The past two weeks have been bad in terms of health issue....with the flu...tak hilang2....kejab baik kejab datang addition to rasa macam nak demam tapi tak demam.

Have been busy with 3 tenders to organise....Rumah Guru Sultan Sulaiman in KL......Sekolah Sains Bentong........and the most complicated of all the Regional Sewage Treatment Plant No.2 for the whole of Putrajaya..have to juggle my time with work and pleasure......which is chatting (loser).

Bought a new laptop last weekend ACER 4710.......murah jugak la at long as it is below RM2000 kira murah la....

Last night had a great dinner kat Sakura.....with ikan kerapu yg gila besar masak sweet sour....
harga pun boleh tahan......the only proper dinner i had all week..back home by 900 and straight to some workout till 945....kluarkan peluh sikit bagi badan sihat.hoohhoohhohoho......this morning bangun awal jugak 620am dah terkebil .....wife pun sama. She then went out jogging with her friend....and i golek atas katil tengok TV.

0845 gi kedai...gas abis.....sakit pinggang aku angkat tong gas pagi2.....mum called says dad n her is in Kuala Kangsar...Sultan Perak birthday.......dah 80 weiii birthday ke benda......ampun tuanku.

Sultan Perak ...i guess is one of the most admired Sultan....80 pun nampak steady jer. So nampak nya malam ni tak gi Bangsar la......selalunya weekend pergi Bangsar teman kan my mum tengok AF...not me yg teman but rather my wife......i dont watch AF..

Almost 4 now...the wife is sleeping and me...waiting for asar and preparing my self for rugby match at 5 later...kat UTM Jalan Semarak...tengok jer x main pun...its the final between my team ASAS vs of Selangor Rugby League.

Panjang sikit entry kali ni.....sebab dah lama x update kan.......i guess thats all for today....