I was pissed off yesterday evening, ...ada hamba Allah sorang ni cakap aku perempuan and what an evil women i was...............what a patetic assumption.........which was based purely on words....and of course imagination.........hamba Allah ni communicate with me through YM, and being too clever has assumed that i am a female. Serious mental retard........or rather mental block.
That alone does not pissed me off but telling the whole world is..............it is a typical Malay syndrom.....ayam baru bertelur sebijik riuh sekampung....bodoh sombong......without proper investigation nor any factual or intellegent analysis an assumption has been made.
I am more pity than angry because this young malay object does not use the intellegence given by God to do good things but rather in its own dreamland talking about others in a bad way based on hearsay.
In life one have to go through a lot of challenges, through think and thin to acheive a relatively comfortable life but not by any means excessive. These young friend of mine baru diuji oleh Allah swt dgn sekecil musibah telah mengatakan that he/she has gone through a lot...pi gi dah talk as though the whole world has crumble upon and everyone is out to get this pathetic person........in fact bukan musibah pun just a normal problem. And worst, using the words of Allah to supress fellow muslims...which in this person view is out to discredit his/her imaginary lifestyle..........actually this is the main cause of my anger. Even in anger one must not justify one stand based on religion without a proper understanding of the ayat.......claiming to be the victim of supression and all his/her doa will be fullfil by Allah to condem a fellow muslim is not a wise move......
That alone does not pissed me off but telling the whole world is..............it is a typical Malay syndrom.....ayam baru bertelur sebijik riuh sekampung....bodoh sombong......without proper investigation nor any factual or intellegent analysis an assumption has been made.
I am more pity than angry because this young malay object does not use the intellegence given by God to do good things but rather in its own dreamland talking about others in a bad way based on hearsay.
In life one have to go through a lot of challenges, through think and thin to acheive a relatively comfortable life but not by any means excessive. These young friend of mine baru diuji oleh Allah swt dgn sekecil musibah telah mengatakan that he/she has gone through a lot...pi gi dah talk as though the whole world has crumble upon and everyone is out to get this pathetic person........in fact bukan musibah pun just a normal problem. And worst, using the words of Allah to supress fellow muslims...which in this person view is out to discredit his/her imaginary lifestyle..........actually this is the main cause of my anger. Even in anger one must not justify one stand based on religion without a proper understanding of the ayat.......claiming to be the victim of supression and all his/her doa will be fullfil by Allah to condem a fellow muslim is not a wise move......

This person as i observe is a dreamer....rupa memang out la kan..figure elok sikit la dari beruk kat atas tu.........dia ingat dia tu bagus sangat....tapi sebenarnya abuk pun tarak. claiming to be a syriah lawyer which doesn't even show any behaviour of that an honourable learned person........org Melayu ni suka angan2.......baru Assistant Ligitation Officer dah teringin nak jadi Lawyer....usaha x nak......macam mana tu..........belum pun ada RM1 mil dah angan2 nak itu...nak ini......kalau setakat 200,000 - 300,000 dalam bank tu x payah nak berlagak la......sekarang ni that amount is nothin.
Pity...very pity, this type of person if not rehabilitated will always be left behind.
errrr errrmmmm errrrkkkkk...
i reserved my comment...laalalalalala
typical malay erkk... sy suka ayat tu...
'melayu mudah lupa' . . ..
be cool bro...
outchh!!...its hot in here...
cool bro..
cool gak...sabo2
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