Teacher : What do you call a peson who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Pupil : A teacher.
Wife : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out the other.
Husband : You tell a woman something, it goes in both ears and comes out from the mouth.
Man : How old is your father?
Boy : As old as me..
Man : How can that be??
Boy : He became a father only when i was born....
If your father is a poor man
it is your fate but,
if your father-in-law is a poor man,
it is your stupidity...................
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry........
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Bunch Of Idoits....

It is a pity that we have lost part of our land......it is not so much of the rock laden island but the resources it provided......the maritime natural resources around that island are aplanty.....and what we got is another small island that no want wanted in the first place.......Rais Yatim says it was a win-win judgement......win-win my ass....Singapore now has a larger territory, what do u mean win-win.
It looks like these bunch of politicians have no interest in protecting our Nation..they are too busy in protecting their own political position......especially the UMNO idoits.
Angkat keris bagai nak rak.......bila hilang wilayah.....dia dok dalam toilet hisap rokok....thats Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn.......diorang ni depan TV bukan main.... I sincerely hoped that in the next election we will kick out these type of people once and for all. Nasib baik aku cakap hisap rokok, kalau aku cakap buat benda lain.....kan ...kan
Everyone seems upset, India jual paper kat rumah aku pun upset.....cuma orang-orang UMNO jer yang x upset......................

It is a pity that we have lost part of our land......it is not so much of the rock laden island but the resources it provided......the maritime natural resources around that island are aplanty.....and what we got is another small island that no want wanted in the first place.......Rais Yatim says it was a win-win judgement......win-win my ass....Singapore now has a larger territory, what do u mean win-win.
It looks like these bunch of politicians have no interest in protecting our Nation..they are too busy in protecting their own political position......especially the UMNO idoits.
Angkat keris bagai nak rak.......bila hilang wilayah.....dia dok dalam toilet hisap rokok....thats Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn.......diorang ni depan TV bukan main.... I sincerely hoped that in the next election we will kick out these type of people once and for all. Nasib baik aku cakap hisap rokok, kalau aku cakap buat benda lain.....kan ...kan
Everyone seems upset, India jual paper kat rumah aku pun upset.....cuma orang-orang UMNO jer yang x upset......................
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wesak Weekend..
My weekend starts from Friday.....a hectic n difficult time at the office as my two assistants were on leave...managed to complete the integrated water supply report for SYABAS.....and pre-tender estimate for a low cost housing project.......by 630 i am all exhausted and looking forward to rest at home.....wife called at 530 and said she will be late and her office driver would send her home.......
By 800 dah mandi apa semua baru nak landing layan astro...wife called suruh ambil lak pulak.......fuhhhh mau x angin satu badan......then picked her up.....masuk jer kete i bebel la lebih kurang 20 saat....dia bebel balik 20 minit....the rest of the journey in silent.......perang dingin bermula. In my mind ............oh god it is not good........it will be a long silent weekend.............
Bangun pagi........tengok wife dah gi jogging without me.........for breakfast dia beli nasi lemak tapi the normal teh tarik x ada...........she ate alone without a word being said. The rest of the day.......she stayed in the room and me downstairs tgk astro.once a while could hear her on the phone............nak surfing internet pun x der mood.......lunch she defrost the frozen lasagna.......dan aku tidak ada lunch..................dinner pun sama aku gi kedai mamak makan mee goreng ...balik rumah...............she is still in the bedroom.............no word exchanged today.
So dgn aman nya aku leh control remote n tengok FA Cup Final...........tanpa gangguan...........cold war semakin teruk nampak nya......could hear footsteps kat atas......dont know what she is doing..........tengok TV kot, nasib baik kat bilik ada TV. 130 pagi lepas tengok bola...naik atas wife dah tidur ...aku pun tarik selimut............baru nak lelap............eh ada org atas aku..........langsung x jadi tidur...........perang dingin tamat dengan rasminya..............238 baru zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Bangun agak lewat.......tapi unlike yesterday pagi ni ada scramble eggs n teh tarik atas meja............kul 330 kluar gi Ampang Park......lunch kat Manhattant Fish Market.....mula2 ingat nak gi KLCC.......memandangkan dah hari2 pergi situ so tukar location.......aku order fish n chips and wife order salmon.....lepas makan gi Bangsar ....ziarah ibu bapa.........sampai Bangsar lebih kurang kul 5, tengok mak aku sedang melayan cucu2 nya kat laman rumah.
Lepak2 jap then the ladies buat plan nak ker Ikano The Curve........mak aku ajak aku sekali tapi........sorry la , pergi dgn diorang ni mesti berjam2.......at the end mum, wife and sis went out at around 6....aku kat rumah layan anak2 buah. My younger sis balik kampung suami....fuhhhh sungguh la isteri mithali...........aku dinner with dad n bro in-law kat rumah.........kul 1030 baru diorang balik ...nasib baik aku x pergi kalau tak mau perang dingin lagi. Kul 1100 balik rumah........mandi terus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
Pagi antar wife pegi kerja.......org cuti dia keje...then drive my self to the office since dok rumah pun boring x der apa nak buat.......managed to get some work done.......write this entry........
tu aje...sekian terima kasih. Aku dah laparrrrrr.
Breaking News: Dr M kluar UMNO - Who cares................ hopefully more to follow.....including the stupid Pak Dollah & family.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Entry X Der Motif #3
Pagi tadi pergi immegration...wife nak renew passport...nak gi umrah baru nak menggelupur renew.....anyway renew kat Sri Rampai ni senang jugak....org x ramai, counter banyak....so kawan2 siapa nak buat or renew passport baik dtg Sri Rampai, tak payah gi Putrajaya tu....
845 semua settle......by the way semasa menunggu tu ada perempuan cina sorang dtg tegur aku, dia kata "En, boleh tolong isi borang untuk saya".......eh dalam hati aku kata apahal lak amoi ni.........so aku malas cakap banyak aku isi la......tgk IC lahir tahun 1966 , kerja Manager. issssssshhh x kan x reti isi borang............wife aku yg tgh kat counter tu dok jeling2 ingat aku mengorat ker apa........amoi tu pakai seksi lak tu........lepas abis isi borang amoi tu blah gitu jer...cehhhhh ingat nak belanja dinner ker apa.....
sekian terima kasih
845 semua settle......by the way semasa menunggu tu ada perempuan cina sorang dtg tegur aku, dia kata "En, boleh tolong isi borang untuk saya".......eh dalam hati aku kata apahal lak amoi ni.........so aku malas cakap banyak aku isi la......tgk IC lahir tahun 1966 , kerja Manager. issssssshhh x kan x reti isi borang............wife aku yg tgh kat counter tu dok jeling2 ingat aku mengorat ker apa........amoi tu pakai seksi lak tu........lepas abis isi borang amoi tu blah gitu jer...cehhhhh ingat nak belanja dinner ker apa.....
sekian terima kasih

Budak-Budak Zaman Sekarang
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Being Clever.....

I was pissed off yesterday evening, ...ada hamba Allah sorang ni cakap aku perempuan and what an evil women i was...............what a patetic assumption.........which was based purely on words....and of course imagination.........hamba Allah ni communicate with me through YM, and being too clever has assumed that i am a female. Serious mental retard........or rather mental block.
That alone does not pissed me off but telling the whole world is..............it is a typical Malay syndrom.....ayam baru bertelur sebijik riuh sekampung....bodoh sombong......without proper investigation nor any factual or intellegent analysis an assumption has been made.
I am more pity than angry because this young malay object does not use the intellegence given by God to do good things but rather in its own dreamland talking about others in a bad way based on hearsay.
In life one have to go through a lot of challenges, through think and thin to acheive a relatively comfortable life but not by any means excessive. These young friend of mine baru diuji oleh Allah swt dgn sekecil musibah telah mengatakan that he/she has gone through a lot...pi gi dah talk as though the whole world has crumble upon and everyone is out to get this pathetic person........in fact bukan musibah pun just a normal problem. And worst, using the words of Allah to supress fellow muslims...which in this person view is out to discredit his/her imaginary lifestyle..........actually this is the main cause of my anger. Even in anger one must not justify one stand based on religion without a proper understanding of the ayat.......claiming to be the victim of supression and all his/her doa will be fullfil by Allah to condem a fellow muslim is not a wise move......
That alone does not pissed me off but telling the whole world is..............it is a typical Malay syndrom.....ayam baru bertelur sebijik riuh sekampung....bodoh sombong......without proper investigation nor any factual or intellegent analysis an assumption has been made.
I am more pity than angry because this young malay object does not use the intellegence given by God to do good things but rather in its own dreamland talking about others in a bad way based on hearsay.
In life one have to go through a lot of challenges, through think and thin to acheive a relatively comfortable life but not by any means excessive. These young friend of mine baru diuji oleh Allah swt dgn sekecil musibah telah mengatakan that he/she has gone through a lot...pi gi dah talk as though the whole world has crumble upon and everyone is out to get this pathetic person........in fact bukan musibah pun just a normal problem. And worst, using the words of Allah to supress fellow muslims...which in this person view is out to discredit his/her imaginary lifestyle..........actually this is the main cause of my anger. Even in anger one must not justify one stand based on religion without a proper understanding of the ayat.......claiming to be the victim of supression and all his/her doa will be fullfil by Allah to condem a fellow muslim is not a wise move......

This person as i observe is a dreamer....rupa memang out la kan..figure elok sikit la dari beruk kat atas tu.........dia ingat dia tu bagus sangat....tapi sebenarnya abuk pun tarak. claiming to be a syriah lawyer which doesn't even show any behaviour of that an honourable learned person........org Melayu ni suka angan2.......baru Assistant Ligitation Officer dah teringin nak jadi Lawyer....usaha x nak......macam mana tu..........belum pun ada RM1 mil dah angan2 nak itu...nak ini......kalau setakat 200,000 - 300,000 dalam bank tu x payah nak berlagak la......sekarang ni that amount is nothin.
Pity...very pity, this type of person if not rehabilitated will always be left behind.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Politics 101
Overheard the followimg conversation at my mum's house last night.......
wife : Mak tak beli Nona this month?
mum : Bulan ni tak beli , muka depan dia gambar Anwar Ibrahim & anak dia...nyampah
Sebenarnya my mum bukan la pro-UNMO but rather pro-Tun Mahathir.....siapa2 bergaduh dgn Tun sure dia anti....Anwar, Pak Lah dan sekutunya. Wonder who she voted for in the last GE.
wife : Mak tak beli Nona this month?
mum : Bulan ni tak beli , muka depan dia gambar Anwar Ibrahim & anak dia...nyampah
Sebenarnya my mum bukan la pro-UNMO but rather pro-Tun Mahathir.....siapa2 bergaduh dgn Tun sure dia anti....Anwar, Pak Lah dan sekutunya. Wonder who she voted for in the last GE.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sunny Satrurday
838 am.....arrghhhh baru balik jogging..while waiting for the breakfast to be serve i decided to write something which is not that interesting.
Went to my sis-in law house in Kajang last night, Taman Kajang Utama i think.....she just moved in after getting married................MIL and FIL was there too and it was like a small gathering. Dah lama sebenarnya tak jumpa diorang ni since wife pun x sibuk2 nak jumpa......apakan lagi aku kan.
Kena merempoh 3 toll baru nak sampai.....and i think it was the first time i have been there................rumah sebelah highway erkkk sama dgn rumah aku.
Used the Grand Saga Hway or whatever it is called...lalu one part of the hway nampak apasal ramai org ni, rupanya ada demonstration by residents of Bandar Mahkota Cheras about access road to the Hway.......sempat berhenti tengok FRU tembak air, we all tgk dari atas flyover, kind of funny gak la.......macam budak2 main air. Mind u ramai yg tengok macam ada pesta lak...dgn org jual air,buah............goreng pisang pun ada.
about 15 min we continued with the journey........wife on the phone seeking direction......the only thing i know is that near the last toll make a u-turn and turn left at the second junction.
It wasnt that difficult to find the place.....quite a nice little house....tapi panas x banyak pokok.
makan2 + borak+ FIL cakap politik.....at around 1100 balikkkk. Sampai rumah terus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz light off and no other ativities....sigh
Went to my sis-in law house in Kajang last night, Taman Kajang Utama i think.....she just moved in after getting married................MIL and FIL was there too and it was like a small gathering. Dah lama sebenarnya tak jumpa diorang ni since wife pun x sibuk2 nak jumpa......apakan lagi aku kan.
Kena merempoh 3 toll baru nak sampai.....and i think it was the first time i have been there................rumah sebelah highway erkkk sama dgn rumah aku.
Used the Grand Saga Hway or whatever it is called...lalu one part of the hway nampak apasal ramai org ni, rupanya ada demonstration by residents of Bandar Mahkota Cheras about access road to the Hway.......sempat berhenti tengok FRU tembak air, we all tgk dari atas flyover, kind of funny gak la.......macam budak2 main air. Mind u ramai yg tengok macam ada pesta lak...dgn org jual air,buah............goreng pisang pun ada.
about 15 min we continued with the journey........wife on the phone seeking direction......the only thing i know is that near the last toll make a u-turn and turn left at the second junction.
It wasnt that difficult to find the place.....quite a nice little house....tapi panas x banyak pokok.
makan2 + borak+ FIL cakap politik.....at around 1100 balikkkk. Sampai rumah terus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz light off and no other ativities....sigh
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Today at 1626 i did something that is quite unthinkable..................** sigh**....................
Jadi model for four photoshots...........sungguh la x der keje........and it was on the spur of that moment....no preparation what so ever.......but on the other hand yang ajak tu pun cun jugak.
Less said the better.........
Jadi model for four photoshots...........sungguh la x der keje........and it was on the spur of that moment....no preparation what so ever.......but on the other hand yang ajak tu pun cun jugak.
Less said the better.........
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Entry X Der Motif #2
"Sesungguhnya solat yg paling berat bagi org munafik adalah solat isyak dan solat subuh. Sekiranya mereka mengetahui apa yg terkandung didalamnya, niscaya mereka akan mendatangi kedua-duanya sekalipun dengan merangkak" (Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Bangun lewat lagi................jogging kemana .....semua terbengkalai.......managed to get out of bed at around 9.00am as i have an appointment with the mechanic to servic my car....dah 60000km. Wife still in bed...entah kul berapa dia jaga.
1155 back home, had lunch n mandi.......nothin much going on today, managed to call the travel agent for my upcoming Umrah trip.....selasa ni kena bayar the deposit.
1745 left the house - destination Carrefour Wangsa Maju
1748 arrive at Carrefour...........see 3 minit jer dari rumah
Tengok bukan main ramainya manusia...mood utk shopping pun menurun......i dont like tempat2 yang ramai org...rimas.
1848 balik rumah
argghhhhhhhhhhh nak tgk bola tapi wife nak tgk AIM .....................
Bangun lewat lagi................jogging kemana .....semua terbengkalai.......managed to get out of bed at around 9.00am as i have an appointment with the mechanic to servic my car....dah 60000km. Wife still in bed...entah kul berapa dia jaga.
1155 back home, had lunch n mandi.......nothin much going on today, managed to call the travel agent for my upcoming Umrah trip.....selasa ni kena bayar the deposit.
1745 left the house - destination Carrefour Wangsa Maju
1748 arrive at Carrefour...........see 3 minit jer dari rumah
Tengok bukan main ramainya manusia...mood utk shopping pun menurun......i dont like tempat2 yang ramai org...rimas.
1848 balik rumah
argghhhhhhhhhhh nak tgk bola tapi wife nak tgk AIM .....................
Friday, May 2, 2008
Labour Day @ May Day
May Day...May Day........i am bored to death.......
The rest of the family went to Singapore for joli2......and me stuck up here cause i have a meeting tomorrow....fuck .
Almost 1.00am and i cant sleep.......too much smoking due to boredom.....and boredom can kill...errk smoke?????
Member2 pun tarak.....semua cuti ka...........shit...shit.
Today like usual woke up pretty late............do some housework which is not like me ...........sapu2 sket....iron baju......basuh pinggan........padan muka.
When you have to do all these things which normally your wife or partner would do then you will appreciate their presence..........bapak letih ooooo basuh pinggan..........especially the rice cooker. Lagi satu aku heran ialah when wife tak der cam malas lak nak kluar.......bila ada sibuk nak kluar.......pagi tadi bangun tengok tak ada breakfast atas meja.......nak gi kedai beli pun malas.
Lepas zohor baru kluar tu pun sebab rokok habis.........beli paper tapau nasi bungkus and balik rumah layan astro and internet. Malam pun sama malas nak kluar ....masak maggi jer walaupun tak sedap.............................adoiiiiii balik la cepat dear before i die of hunger....
ok nak cuba-cuba paksa tidur.......
The rest of the family went to Singapore for joli2......and me stuck up here cause i have a meeting tomorrow....fuck .
Almost 1.00am and i cant sleep.......too much smoking due to boredom.....and boredom can kill...errk smoke?????
Member2 pun tarak.....semua cuti ka...........shit...shit.
Today like usual woke up pretty late............do some housework which is not like me ...........sapu2 sket....iron baju......basuh pinggan........padan muka.
When you have to do all these things which normally your wife or partner would do then you will appreciate their presence..........bapak letih ooooo basuh pinggan..........especially the rice cooker. Lagi satu aku heran ialah when wife tak der cam malas lak nak kluar.......bila ada sibuk nak kluar.......pagi tadi bangun tengok tak ada breakfast atas meja.......nak gi kedai beli pun malas.
Lepas zohor baru kluar tu pun sebab rokok habis.........beli paper tapau nasi bungkus and balik rumah layan astro and internet. Malam pun sama malas nak kluar ....masak maggi jer walaupun tak sedap.............................adoiiiiii balik la cepat dear before i die of hunger....
ok nak cuba-cuba paksa tidur.......
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