Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st Dec 2009

First day of the last month............time moves fast..........the end is getting nearer by the day.

Ok..today I am going to write about something that is bothering me since yesterday. I dont normally rajin to write on blog, but when tiba-tiba aku menulis maknanya ada la something very serious.

Berkenaan Polis Diraja Malaysia....................are they selective in their work in upholding the Consitution and Laws of this Land. It seems to me they are. Budaya kaki bodek ni nampaknya sangat sukar untuk dihapuskan. Apabila Pemuda BN Pulau Pinang buat demonstrasi sambil bakar elogi seseorang, they are not touched. Bila buat canddlelight vigil to express disatisfaction on BN Govt. kat dataran merdeka, tu dia satu batalion FRU datang.

This type of action is not good and could backfire like it did in PRU 12. I saw with my own eyes how the police treated the public especially during polling day at Bangsar. This poor chap ambil pic wife dia tengah buang undi, then came this policeman .....aku rasa dari East Malaysia...approach this guy and grab his camera, the guy reacted and push the policeman away, almost falling of corridor parapet wall, the policeman regain his feet and again asked for the camera, this guy refuses....and bla bla bla....he treaten this poor guy dengan suara yg garang to put him in jail if he did not give him his IC card......after failing to get the camera nak IC pulak.........this guy buat dek and just walk away.....although ramai anggota disitu tapi all were female officers and as this guy is quite good looking and the female cops tak masuk campur, cuma duduk dan lihat......and this poor policeman dok sibuk2 radio his mates for reinforcement......by that time this lucky guy managed to sneeked out of the polling center sambil gelak bagai nak pecah perut................with his wife of course.

Ni la...I mean kalau dia cakap baik2...explain baik-baik, kat polling center tak boleh ambil gambar, surely that Guy faham ni tak, terus nak grab camera, cari nahas la tu kan.

PDRM ni punya pasal, naik menyampah lak aku kat BN ni........ari tu dah Ok dah sikit. PDRM ni sebenanya very close to my family, grand dad and my dad were former officers of PDRM. Grand dad was the first malay Deputy Inspector General Of Police semasa zaman Tun Salleh, 1970 , I think. My Dad pulak was the Deputy CPO Pahang when he retired. Dulu x macam ni sebab diorang sibuk dgn hal komunis-komunis ni, kejap-kejap masuk hutan, sekarang dah x banyak kerje cari pasal dengan org awam yg salahnya x la berapa sangat.


Unknown said...

thats the reason why bnyak terorist and assasin bagai..
peoples are getting fed up wif our PDRM, which is quite ambil ringan kalau ada org report apa2... and of cos they themselves took the action.. nk tunggu PDRM bila selesai kes.. pay 5K to thai assasin.. settle.. heheheeh..

kes kecik2 yg cm ko citer.. bnyak songeh pulak depa..

arZOoo said...

errrrr sabar yek abg shah...wakakakakakakaka...dalam dunia nih and even sume profession ader yg baik ader yg tak ader yg cantik ader yg buruk...so as long as kita berada di landasan yang betul itu dah menambahkan kuantiti yg baik jek..ejejejejejjeje

Mama Vogue said...