Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lazy...lazy Saturday

It has been a while since the last not even have time to read other people's blogs.

The past two weeks have been bad in terms of health issue....with the flu...tak hilang2....kejab baik kejab datang addition to rasa macam nak demam tapi tak demam.

Have been busy with 3 tenders to organise....Rumah Guru Sultan Sulaiman in KL......Sekolah Sains Bentong........and the most complicated of all the Regional Sewage Treatment Plant No.2 for the whole of Putrajaya..have to juggle my time with work and pleasure......which is chatting (loser).

Bought a new laptop last weekend ACER 4710.......murah jugak la at long as it is below RM2000 kira murah la....

Last night had a great dinner kat Sakura.....with ikan kerapu yg gila besar masak sweet sour....
harga pun boleh tahan......the only proper dinner i had all week..back home by 900 and straight to some workout till 945....kluarkan peluh sikit bagi badan sihat.hoohhoohhohoho......this morning bangun awal jugak 620am dah terkebil .....wife pun sama. She then went out jogging with her friend....and i golek atas katil tengok TV.

0845 gi kedai...gas abis.....sakit pinggang aku angkat tong gas pagi2.....mum called says dad n her is in Kuala Kangsar...Sultan Perak birthday.......dah 80 weiii birthday ke benda......ampun tuanku.

Sultan Perak ...i guess is one of the most admired Sultan....80 pun nampak steady jer. So nampak nya malam ni tak gi Bangsar la......selalunya weekend pergi Bangsar teman kan my mum tengok AF...not me yg teman but rather my wife......i dont watch AF..

Almost 4 now...the wife is sleeping and me...waiting for asar and preparing my self for rugby match at 5 later...kat UTM Jalan Semarak...tengok jer x main pun...its the final between my team ASAS vs of Selangor Rugby League.

Panjang sikit entry kali ni.....sebab dah lama x update kan.......i guess thats all for today....

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