cuti raya cina...nothin much to do...although this weekend is my sister in-law punya weeding. Everything seems to be in order and organised.....her sister seems busy...terkejar ke sana - sini beli choc la...kek la (ptg ni gi ambil kat Crown Plaza)...i dah cadangkan beli jer kek kat Angles tu sama jer.......and x der org pun nak appreciate kek tu nanti, banyak lagi yg nak ditengok...cincin, baju etc.
pagi tadi ingat nak malas2...lepas subuh dah x boleh tidur...tengok astro football Rep.Of Ireland vs Brazil. X sempat abis wife ajak teman dia gi kat playground...kawan dia nak pasing hadiah utk the newlyweds.....alang2 dah kluar gi la cari nasi lemak kat Melawati dgn dua2 muka lum mandi...............
By the way pic kat atas tu x der kena mengena dgn entry ini.....semalam balik KG...Bangsar jer....sebab my dad nak bagi hadiah sket utk the newlyweds...dia x boleh dtg sebab gi Penang....whattttt the whole family is going to Penang...leaving me behind.....adoiiiiiii frust gak....
Kiddingly i told my wife that i would like to follow them to Penang.....mak kena jeling maut hahahahahaha............kalau x der wedding memang sah2 kita orang ikut. Holiday with my parents and both of my sisters n their families is ..i tell you wonderful....masa ni la nak rasa dok hotel 5 star and so on...makan...x yah cakap...........it has been a while since we had a family trip......nak harap belah in-laws...sorry berlori-lori la...diorang tu consevative skettttt..lecehhhh. Lagi pun kalau dgn in -laws sure I jer yg nak kena kluar duit....dgn mak ayah sendiri........ leh escape mauahahaahahaha.
boring...boring...boring.......apa nak buat...cuci kete malas...kang petang sure hujan......ber gardening pun malas...sebab garden kecik jer x berbaloi.......kemas rumah...dah ada org kemas kan.....oookkkkkk sterika baju la sambil nari2 dgr radioooo hahahaahahahahaah......chow...
Happy New Year to all my Chinesse mates........i tau David n Michale baca ini blog.....happy new year to both of u....may god bless all of us..................salammm.
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